Ocoee is currently going through quite a bit of modernization to its’ downtown district and has a very promising future as well as a great history. The Northern most portion of Ocoee is the South side of West McCormick Road. The Southernmost portion is the South side of Windsor Landing on Maguire Road just to the North of Lake Down.
This kind of sets an example for the entire community. It is a traditional area of Florida with several beautiful lakes and a varied past. The government offices and buildings are only what is needed. Nothing overly fancy but rather relaxed and professional in appearance.
The latest census data on Ocoee puts the population under 50,000. The median priced home is approximately $170,000 and the median household income is around $70,000. All respectable numbers for a beautiful central Florida town.
The first recorded portion of Ocoee’s history starts on the Northern shore of what is now called Starke Lake. In the mid 1850’s Dr. JD Starke while stricken with Malaria led a group of people who also had Malaria out of populated areas to the shores of a beautiful body of clean water. This camp later became a village and very shortly became named Starke Lake. The towns name later became Ocoee and the rest is history.
Currently Ocoee is a great place to live with all of the benefits of a large city. It has its’ own mall The West Oaks Mall and also a great movie theater at the mall. Another convenience which Ocoee has and several of the more famous surrounding cites do not have is a hospital. Ocoee has a magnificent hospital named Health Central Hospital. This hospital also has all of the satellite services that usually accompany larger hospitals. All in a quaint, affordable, centrally located town named Ocoee.
Ocoee Communities